FAQ - Rustservers.gg

How can i monetize my Rust Server?

Tebex is a our recommendation for monetizing Rust Servers. It's free, and its very powerfull tool to create subscription, sell packages and easy integration through RCON or their plugin

How do servers rank on Rustservers.gg

There are multiple ways servers get ranked you could just have a high populated server and get in the ranking automatically. You can vote on your favorite servers, and you can get premium to rank higher.

How do i cancel my premium?

To cancel your PayPal subscriptions, log in to your PayPal account and click the gear icon at the top right corner. Go to Payments-->Manage automatic payments. Click the subscription name and click Cancel in the Status section.

What Hosting would you recommend going with?

The Best Hosting service for hosting your Rust servers is GameServerKings

Why can't i edit my title or description?

RustServers.me Dynamically loads in all data from your server configuration. You can edit the details directly from your server and it will automatically modify on Rustservers.gg

How can i contact Rustservers.me

Either join our Discord server or fill in the contact form on the website. We recommend using Discord for faster support.